Page 23 - CGIAR AR 2023 - Printable Med Res
P. 23

Laos, and Thailand appreciated the framework and committed their organizations to supporting

          food safety goals. As food safety rises as a priority for many countries in Southeast Asia, CGIAR will
          be able to contribute to this shared goal through the Working Group.

          CGIAR’s strategic alliances and approaches in the region are driving progress and also establishing a
          framework for sustained engagement.

          “        region, uniting us to build resilient and sustainable food systems. By

                    Strong partnerships and collaboration harness the strength of our

                  combining our expertise and sharing knowledge, we create a powerful

                              force for positive change within agri-food systems.”

                                               — Temina Lalani-Shariff,

                                 Regional Director, Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

             CGIAR Annual Report 2023                                                                     23
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