Page 39 - CGIAR AR 2023 - Printable Med Res
P. 39

Financial highlights

          Funding channels

          Investments in CGIAR may be delivered through the multi-funder CGIAR Trust Fund and/or directly
          to specific projects at CGIAR Research Centers (outside the Fund), which is called Bilateral Funding.

          Funding for the CGIAR Trust Fund is channeled through two funding Windows (W1, W3) with
          increasing levels of funder support. A third Window (W2) was discontinued in 2022 as part of One
          CGIAR reforms.

             ●    Window 3 (W3) – Project investments: funding allocated by Funders individually to projects
                  that are defined by the Funders (with partners) and aligned with System-wide investments.

             ●    Window 2 (W2) – The Window 2 funding window of the Trust Fund has been discontinued as
                  part of the One CGIAR reforms. Previous program-specific funding to Window 2 is now
                  contributed to Window 1.

             ●    Window 1 (W1) – Under the One CGIAR reforms, Window 1 now receives all pooled funding.
                  Within Window 1, Funders may a) contribute investments, with funding allocated to the
                  entire CGIAR Portfolio of approved System-wide investments prioritized and allocated by
                  Funders collectively through the System Council, supporting CGIAR as a whole; b) designate
                  part of their Window 1 funding toward specific CGIAR Initiatives or Impact Area Platforms.

          In 2023, CGIAR recognized revenue of $870 million, of which W1 accounted for 35% (increase of 4%
          from 2022), W3 for 24% (an increase of 1% compared to 2022), Bilaterals for 37% (a decrease of 7%
          compared to 2022), and Other Income for 4% (an increase of 2% from 2022).

          See a comparison of 2023 and 2022 funding in Figure 1 below.

          Figure 1. CGIAR revenue by source of funding, 2023 and 2022.


          Further analysis of System revenue since 2011 by funding source is shown in Figure 2 below. W1 in
          2023 increased by 4% from 2022.

             CGIAR Annual Report 2023                                                                     39
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